Help the Young Families of Brunswick County to Raise a Healthy Baby

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raised towards $25,000 goal



Days Left


Help the Young Families of Brunswick County to Raise a Healthy Baby

This year's Annual Campaign is asking you to step up with us to keep our services going and growing.

Dear Donor,
When you donate to Samara’s Village, can you picture the kind of person whose life you are
changing? A typical young mom in our program is someone who wants to step up, have her
baby, and build a strong and healthy life for her child. But she has obstacles.
 She has hardly any resources and doesn’t know how to care for a baby.
 She needs baby supplies but can’t afford them.
 She has dropped out of school but will still want and need to graduate to earn a living.
 She may live in a remote area and not have adequate transportation.
 She may need to find safe, affordable housing.
 She worries about paying for day care when she’ll be able to get a job.
 She needs a friend, a mentor, a teacher who can guide her through her baby’s first 3
years and show her how to get the help she needs.
 She needs you to change her life.

At this time of greatest need for our young moms --and dads as well—we ask you to step up
with us to keep our services going and growing. It takes more money every year because we

keep adding participants. And you know about costs these days.